Conditions générales de vente

Article 1 - Purpose - Definition

1.1 The purpose of these general conditions of sale is to define the rights and obligations of Ecom registered at Companies House hereinafter referred to as "MARKET PLACE"..
1.2 Only the special terms and conditions set out on the reverse side, if applicable, these general terms and conditions and the England Commercial Code govern the terms and conditions of sale of the products and services of the "marketplace". They shall prevail over any clauses and conditions to the contrary that may appear on orders or other documents issued by the CLIENT.
1.3 The "marketplace" is a virtual space in which third parties offer a wide variety of products to users in different countries around the world.
1.4 A third party is either a legal entity or a natural person, offering products to users via the platform and in various environments.
1.5 Environments are different web addresses featuring the logo or name of the "marketplace".

Article 2 - Application

2.1 These general terms and conditions apply to the ordering and purchasing of products from sellers via the platform.
2.2 Any customer who places anan order for a product offered by a seller within the framework of the environment accepts the applicability of the general terms and conditions. The principle of a marketplace.

2.3 Deviations from and amendments to the provisions of these general terms and conditions may be made in writing only. All other provisions shall remain in full force and effect.
2.4 The present general terms and conditions apply both to buyers qualified as consumers and to buyers qualified as as professional consumers.

2.5 The application of value-added tax is the sole responsibility of the seller and the consumer in application of article 2.4. The " marketplace The "marketplace" is in no way responsible for any shortcomings, nor for the different applications of each country worldwide.The "marketplace" is in no way responsible for non-compliance or for the different applications of individual countries worldwide.
2.6 All rights and claims, as stipulated in these general terms and conditions, are also stipulated for the benefit of intermediaries and other third parties involved in this "marketplace", explicitly including the seller(s) or buyer(s).

2.7 The "marketplace Marketplace" has the right to amend these General Terms and Conditions of Purchase or Sale in the good marketplace. The modified conditions will be applicable as soon as they are published on the site. If a buyer subsequently an order, he thereby accepts the application of the present general conditions

Article 3 - Customer contact

3.1 The customer must be at least 18 years old.
3.2 The customer can be contacted by email.
3.3 The customer acknowledges that the "marketplace" is an intermediary between the manufacturer and the customer, in fact a simple marketplace where supply and demand are brought together. marketplace where supply and demand meet.
3.4 The customer declares to act in accordance with the general terms and conditions and all applicable laws and regulations. 3.5 The customer is responsible for the accuracy of the data he/she transmits.

Article 4 - Third-party offers

4.1 "Market place is the seller's sales agent. The customer acknowledges that the purchase agreement is concluded between the the Customer and the Seller. "Marketplace "is not or will not be a party to this agreement.
4.2 In the event of questions or complaints concerning the products purchased by the customer, the customer must contact the platform, which will provide an address for the return of the defective or non-compliant products. If a refund is required, "place de marché" will provide details.

4.3 The "marketplace "is not responsible in any way whatsoever, including for defects and non- conformity of the products purchased.

Article 5 - Order and delivery

5.1 A customer may place an order with the "marketplace" via the normal ordering process. 5.2 The customer may receive an invoice from the seller in accordance with the seller's terms and conditions.
5.3 Ownership of delivered items will only be transferred when the customer has fulfilled his payment obligation.

Article 6 - Refund and payment

6.1 The customer owes the purchase price of the product(s) purchased from the seller via the "marketplace" platform. marketplace". The customer is not released from his obligation to pay by direct payment to the seller.
6.2 Under no circumstances may the "marketplace "cannot be held responsible for unreasonable delivery times due to the place of production of the product or in application of article 11.1 (force majeure). Under no circumstances a refund can be requested or obtained unless otherwise stated in writing.

Article 7 - Purchasing arrangements with the seller(s)

7.1 If a customer purchases a product from a seller via the platform, the customer undertakes to read and accept the terms and conditions of sale of the seller(s) from whom he/she purchases one or more products via the platform.

Article 8 - Information and use of data

8.1 The customer will keep a close eye on his e-mail so that he can take note of any information information sent to him by the "marketplace" or the seller's notices, if any.
8.2 The "marketplace "is not responsible for information that does not appear in time or does not seem clear clear or obvious errors, regardless of the origin of the information or to whom it is provided.

8.3 The customer declares that he/she is aware of and accepts that his/her name and address will be used to the extent necessary to execute the purchase agreement. purchase agreement.
8.4 The customer acknowledges that an evaluation system is part of the sales process. The customer may be invited to participate by e-mail. The customer declares that he/she will participate in good faith, should he/she choose to do so. The customer warrants that all information provided is correct and not misleading. The customer will refrain from providing and/or offensive, threatening and/or defamatory information.

8.5 The "marketplace" always has the right to refuse to publish a notice on the sites or to delete it if the if the notice is in contradiction with laws or regulations, public order and/or morality.

Article 9 - Miscellaneous

9.1 The "marketplace" has the right to restrict, withhold or revoke certain privileges or to block the order, refuse or limit the seller's items via the "marketplace" based on the customer's customer's sales history. This is at the sole discretion of the marketplace".
9.2 A value-added tax can never be a tax imposed by a country of any kind whatsoever. whatsoever.

9.3 The "marketplace "is in no way responsible for any problem or conflict with the application of value added tax between the seller and the buyer in countries where the application may be in whole or in part applicable. or in part. The "marketplace The role of the "marketplace" is purely and simply to put people in touch with each other.

Article 10 - Separation clause

10.1 If any provision of these terms and conditions is or becomes ineffective, the effectiveness of the other provisions shall not be affected. An ineffective provision shall be deemed to be replaced by an effective provision which comes as close as possible to the ineffective provision.
10.2 The "marketplace" is always entitled to suspend functionality for the purposes of seller offers on the various platforms without having to justify itself and without delay.

Article 11 - Force majeure

11.1 The "marketplace", the seller and the carrier shall not be held liable for failure to meet delivery deadlines due to any act of God or force majeure such as, in particular, any act emanating from a civil or military authority, strike, fire, flood, water damage, storm, lightning, accident, riot, terrorist attack, non-delivery of documents for the creation or production of the product, any act attributable to a third party, or any other circumstance with an external cause, storm and lightning, accident, riot, attack, non-delivery of documents for the creation or production of the product, any event attributable to a third party, or any other circumstance having an external cause and preventing it, directly or through a third party, from fulfilling said obligations.

Article 12 - Applicable law and jurisdiction

12.1 The general terms and conditions of the "marketplace" are governed exclusively by English law. All disputes arising from these terms and conditions shall be referred exclusively to the competent court of the district of KENT, unless the law specifically designates another court.